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Float Concerns, Contraindications and FAQs

Our mission is to enhance your wellness and share this amazing and beneficial float experience with as many people as possible. While Float Therapy is considered safe for almost everyone, there may be some limiting factors for some such as medical and health contraindications as well as grooming and hygiene planning.

If you have medical or health concerns about whether Float Therapy is a good fit for you, please consult your physician. Please review the information below and our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the bottom of the page to help determine whether floating is right for you.

Not sure you're ready to book a Float Therapy Session? 

Call 706-894-9374 to ask questions or

schedule a FREE 10 minute Informational Tour

to see and learn more about this amazing experience.

Medical and Health Contraindications

  • Please reschedule if you have any open cuts or sores, or are experiencing your menstrual cycle.
  • Float Therapy is NOT recommended if you have the following conditions:
    • Epilepsy or prescribed seizure medication
    • Kidney Disease
    • Kidney or Respiratory Infections
    • Low Blood Pressure
    • Any infectious diseases or contagious skin conditions, including Diarrhea, Gastroenteritis, Skin Rash, Common Cold, Athlete’s Foot, etc. (and for 14 days following)
    • Incontinence that is not medically controlled
    • Diabetes or a history of Heart Conditions that are not under medical care
    • Open Wounds, Lesions, Injuries or Skin Ulcers
    • Conditions which may be adversely affected by cutaneous absorption of magnesium

    • Severe mental diseases where hallucinations may be induced by sensory deprivation

    • Intoxication or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescribed sedatives

Grooming and Hygiene Planning

  • If you recently colored your hair, it’s important to make sure the dye has had time to set completely. We ask that you wait to float if you have colored your hair within 1-2 weeks- water should rinse clear- this is to prevent ruining your new color and staining our tank!
  • Anyone receiving Keratin Treatments to their hair should avoid salt water during this time, including Float Therapy.
  • Please reschedule if you have any open cuts or sores, or are experiencing your menstrual cycle.
  • If you have recently been tattooed, we ask that you wait until after the skin has healed to prevent damaging your artwork.
  • Do not shave, wax or tan the day of your float.
  • No contact lenses, jewelry or make-up should be worn during the float session. Please remove before your float.
  • We recommend and provide ear plugs for everyone due to the level of salt content in the water, however, those with a history of ear problems or developing swimmer’s ear after exposure to water will definitely benefit the most by wearing ear plugs for protection.

Are there any Float Policies?

  • Pregnant women are encouraged to float; however, we ask that you consult with your physician and provide us with written consent before your Float Therapy session.
  • Children and Youth under the age of 18 are welcome to float, however, they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. While the child floats in the tank, the parent or legal guardian is provided a chair in the Float Room.
  • You are required to bathe and rinse in the on-site shower before your float. After your float, you are required to shampoo, bathe and rinse. Learn more about what to expect and your first float.
  • Regarding float etiquette and courtesy, we remind all that there should be no bodily fluids in the float tank, including urine, saliva and mucous - please help us keep it clean.
  • We do not allow intoxicated, high or altered clients to enter any of our treatment rooms.
  • Cancellation Policy: If a Float Therapy session cancellation or reschedule is necessary, we require at least a 24-hour notice before your scheduled appointment. Failure to give this notice via phone or email will result in a charge of the normal session fee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I wear in the float tank?

Floating is a private experience and we highly recommend that you float nude in order to fully benefit from Float Therapy. A bathing suit or similar material against the skin may be distracting in such a quiet personal space, however you may choose to wear a bathing suit at your discretion.

Can I float if I am pregnant?

Yes, and floating will provide you with the rest and relaxation benefits needed during pregnancy. We ask that you consult with your physician and provide us with written consent before your Float Therapy session. You will enjoy the physical relief of weightlessness combined with Epsom salt’s anti-inflammatory properties to ease the strain on your body. The still and quiet environment gives you a unique opportunity to bond more closely to your baby as well.
That depends on your individual needs. To get started, we recommend floating every 10 days for a minimum of 3 sessions to gain the full relaxation experience and to determine if it’s a good fit for your wellness and self-care routine. One float may bring some relaxation, however, the most beneficial effects are cumulative and it usually takes a few sessions to get familiar with the float tank environment and truly deepen your relaxation practice. Once you have decided that Float Therapy is right for you, the frequency of your ongoing floats depends on your needs. Please check out our general recommendations on how often you should float and talk to us about your needs so that we can be sure to customize and recommend the best options for you. 

Does Float Therapy have cumulative benefits?

Much like any skill or activity, relaxation takes practice to give you the greatest results. The relaxing effects of a float typically continue beyond that day. In addition, the more you float, the effects seem to be greater and longer lasting. For best results, we recommend regular sessions. Please check out our general recommendations on how often you should float and talk to us about your needs so that we can be sure to customize and recommend the best options for you.

Do I have to stay in the float tank for the whole session time?

You are in control of your floating experience and may get out of the tank at any time on your own. However, we encourage you to stay in for the full time of your session to experience everything that floating provides. Since our society often creates an environment of over-stimulation (physical/mental/emotional), and we are all individuals, it may take more concentration and patience to retrain your body and mind to release and relax in order to enjoy the full time of your session. Learn more about the benefits of floating.

Are there any side effects?

Much like Massage and other wellness services, Float Therapy may encourage your body to accelerate healing. We recommend that you drink plenty of water a few days before and immediately following your float session in order to support your needs. As you shift from stress to relaxation, the water will help you detoxify and maintain the relaxing effects of floating.

What if I get salt in my eyes?

Even though we may remind you to avoid touching your face during your float, this could happen to anyone. The salt water will be irritating to your eyes, but it can be easily flushed out using the bottle of fresh water provided in the float tank.

What effect does the salt water have on my skin and hair?

We use pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt in our float tank which is not the same as table salt. Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Safely used for healing and beauty purposes for hundreds of years, Epsom salt exfoliates and repairs skin while nourishing and strengthening hair. Many people experience softer skin and hair after floating. Learn more about the benefits of floating.

What if I can’t swim?

Even if you never learned to swim, you can enjoy the benefits of Float Therapy. The float tank is only filled with 10 inches of water. The water is also incredibly dense due to the amount of Epsom salt. This concentration of water to salt ratio will cause you to float no matter what size or shape you are. If you ever feel concerned or uncomfortable, you may exit the float tank at any time and our staff is always available to assist you.

What if I don’t normally float in the pool or at the beach?

Some people find it challenging to float in a pool or the ocean, however, this will not be the case in the float tank. The water is incredibly dense due to the amount of Epsom salt. This concentration of water to salt ratio will cause you to float no matter what size or shape you are.

What if I fall asleep in the float tank?

Some people fall asleep or think they have fallen asleep during a float; however, they may just be in a dreamlike or meditative state. There is no need to worry while you are enjoying this pure state of relaxation. The water is extremely buoyant due to the level of Epsom salt, and you will continue to float peacefully without support.

What if I get motion sickness easily?

The float tank does not generate waves or other water movement during your float. However, if you tend to get motion sickness easily, you may want to take some over-the-counter medication prior to your float (i.e. non-drowsy Bonine or Dramamine). Some people have found it helpful to keep the tank light on during the float. If you are feeling sick, please end your session and our staff is always available to assist you.

Can I get claustrophobic?

People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating. The feeling is more like floating in a large space than a confined area since the float tank is about 7 feet tall inside. When you enter the float tank, it will remind you of a spacious walk-in shower including a glass door. You are in control of your floating experience and may choose to keep the light on or off during your session. If you are really nervous, please call 706-894-9374 to ask questions or schedule a free tour to see and learn more about our float tank.

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